So we started putting together the mix-it was a very bright pink color! Nearly pepto-bismulish. But it smelled and tasted fine, maybe a little chemical-ish. Then, I apparently made a big screw up; I poured the batter into six cupcakes, not eight. Not only did the cupcakes overflow, but they got reeeally big, then plopped! (The recipe only had an egg white, probably because it didn't want the bright pink color to be messed up, but I can't help bu think that was part of the problem). My first thought was to toss those suckers out! But my daughter was super excited and didn't want me to. :( So I scraped as much as I could off, and tried to get the hard and very gross textured (spongey!) cupcakes out. We then mixed together the frosting, which again, was a very putrid pink. I only used about 1/4 of the flavored mix, and it still smelled really icky-I tried it and nearly gagged. So did my daughter. We tossed the frosting out and revereted to the fake stuff in can! Trying to frost these things was beyond impossible, so I blobbed some on (again, trying to make the small one happy), and allowed her to dust them with the pink sprinkles. The result? UGLY! And the taste? INEDIBLE IMO. I took one bite and sailed mine into the trash.

Want one? Yeah, me neither.